What Is Hidden Hearing Loss and How Is It Identified?
Having trouble hearing whether at work or when out to dinner with friends at 54 Restaurant is always a frustrating experience. Perhaps equally frustrating is scheduling a hearing test to check for hearing loss and having your results come back as normal, even though you still struggle to hear. This phenomenon is known as hidden…
Can Ear Infections Cause Hearing Loss?
Most of us have had an ear infection in our life at one point or another, usually in childhood. It’s not uncommon for people with an ear infection to experience temporary muffled hearing or hearing loss that resolves once the infection clears. However, some cases of severe, repeated ear infections may increase your risk of…
Common Hearing Aid Concerns and Their Solutions
Hearing aids are a great way to treat hearing loss. They can make speech sound clearer, diminish background noise and even help your balance. As with all new technologies, you may have some concerns or worries about trying them. Let’s discuss some common concerns and problems as well as their solutions so that you can…
The Cost of Untreated Hearing Loss? $980 Billion Globally
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 1.5 billion people, or 20% of the global population, have hearing loss. Of this number, 430 million have disabling hearing loss; however, this number is expected to grow to 700 million people by the year 2050. The estimated global cost of this condition? It’s $980 billion annually….
Don’t Let Stigma Stop You From Treating Your Hearing Health
Even though hearing loss is an incredibly common condition, only a fraction of people who have hearing loss actually seek treatment for it. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, “among adults aged 70 and older with hearing loss who could benefit from hearing aids, fewer than one in three (30…
How to Avoid Social Isolation When You Have Hearing Loss
It’s extremely common for people with untreated hearing loss to experience feelings of loneliness. Unfortunately, when you feel this way, it can, in turn, cause you to withdraw socially from people and activities you once loved. Social isolation is a well-known risk factor for depression and even dementia, which is why it’s important to do…
Untreated Hearing Loss May Leave You More Vulnerable to Falls
Untreated hearing loss can increase your risk for other health conditions, including balance problems and falls. Any Amount of Hearing Loss Can Increase Fall Risk One study examining data from patients between the ages of 40-69 found that even mild hearing loss can triple a person’s risk of an accidental fall. Not only that, but…
Here’s How Hearing Aids Can Improve Your Love Life
One study that sought to uncover the effects of providing a hearing aid to a partner with hearing loss on significant others found, “Before the provision of a hearing aid significant others experienced difficulties with person-to-person conversation, with group conversation and in viewing (listening to) television of the same order as did the hearing impaired…
Is There a Link Between Migraines and Hearing Loss?
Research has shown that people who suffer from migraines may be at a higher risk for certain types of hearing loss and other hearing-related problems. Common Migraine Symptoms A migraine is a type of headache that can cause intense pain and/or a pulsing sensation. They can last hours or sometimes even days and can be…
What if You Don’t Seek Treatment for Hearing Loss?
Millions of people who currently struggle to hear avoid getting treatment for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, untreated hearing loss has been linked with a number of negative consequences that go beyond just your ability to hear. Consequences of Untreated Hearing Loss You find it hard to socialize. One of the first signs of hearing…