What to Know About Online Hearing Tests
If you’ve been experiencing changes in your hearing or are simply curious about your hearing health, you might be thinking of scheduling a traditional hearing test. Luckily, in today’s digital world, many audiologists are offering online hearing tests, allowing you to assess your hearing from the comfort of your own home. Here’s what you should…
Tips to Avoid Elderspeak and Foster Respectful Communication
Nearly one in three people between the ages of 65 and 74 has hearing loss. Hearing loss can create communication difficulty, decrease background awareness and erode independence over time. Unfortunately, having hearing loss as an older adult can also change the way people perceive you, leading to a phenomenon known as elderspeak. What To Know…
Can Living In A Busy City Affect Your Auditory Health?
City life is full of excitement, with an abundance of entertainment and experiences. But have you thought about how city noise could be affecting your hearing? From the blare of car horns to the constant drone of construction, urban environments are filled with sounds that can, take a toll on your hearing. It’s important to…
Hearing Aids And Beauty Routines: Tips To Care For Your Devices
More than one out of every ten people in the United States have some degree of hearing loss. When you first learn you have hearing loss, it’s natural to worry about how hearing aids, a standard treatment option, will fit into your daily life. One common worry is how these new devices will change your…
How to Safeguard Your Hearing Aids from Pets
With nearly 28.8 million Americans who could benefit from hearing aids, it’s important to protect these devices from ways they could be damaged, including your household pets. Implementing a few strategic measures can help keep your hearing aids safe from pets like dogs and cats. Consider the following: Secure Storage Solutions One of the best…
How Can Auditory Rehabilitation Help You?
When hearing loss is left untreated, even for a short time, the brain can start to forget how to process sound. This phenomenon is similar to how running or playing tennis at Hooes Road Park can feel more difficult after periods of rest. As a result, while hearing aids may provide clear sounds to your…
Understanding the Inner Ear and Its Role in Hearing
The auditory system consists of the outer, middle and inner ear, each tirelessly working to deliver your favorite music, the soothing sound of wind rustling through the leaves at Long Bridge Park and more. However, if any part of this intricate system fails, it can lead to hearing loss. Let’s explore the inner ear’s anatomy,…
What Things Should I Avoid When Wearing Hearing Aids?
Hearing aids are small, advanced devices designed to bring clarity and ease of communication to approximately 28.8 million U.S. adults. If you’re new to hearing aids, you may initially find acclimating to and caring for them a little daunting. Take a look at a few things to avoid and some essential hearing aid tips to…
How to Create a Daily Hearing Aid Routine
Embarking on the journey of wearing hearing aids can be both exciting and challenging. While these devices open a world of sound and connection, they also require some adjustment and care to ensure they function optimally. Among adults aged 70 and older who need hearing aids, only 30% have ever used them. Establishing a routine…
Signs of Hearing Loss in Musicians
For musicians, the ability to hear and interpret sounds is essential to their craft. However, music can also pose a threat to their hearing health. Let’s explore why musicians may experience hearing loss and identify any potential solutions. Understanding Hearing Loss in Musicians Musicians are at a heightened risk of hearing damage due to prolonged…